Feldenkrais for children with special needs

Feldenkrais Method has the potential to dramatically improve the path of your child’s development -physical, cognitive, emotional, and social. 

We use a gentle approach that focuses on your child’s abilities, not limitations. The method delves into the science of neuroplasticity, through a unique sensory-motor learning process to create new connections in your child’s brain. This often leads to spontaneous, extraordinary breakthroughs in movement, thinking, self-regulation, independence and connection with others.

This unique process helps your child integrate a more cohesive sense of self and therefore is often an excellent addition to traditional therapies such as PT and OT.

Feldenkrais Method can be remarkably affective for children or babies with genetic disorders, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum, brain injury and undiagnosed developmental delays.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss how this work might benefit your child. 

Learn more about Feldenkrais Method for children with special needs HERE

Learn more about neuroplasticity in this incredible book: “The Brain’s Way of Healing” by Norman Doidge.